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CV Mitra Usaha Mandiri Your Innovative & Trusted Partner | Menyediakan Mesin Ro Air Laut, Mesin Ro Air Payau, Mesin Desalinasi Air Laut

Pompa Air ebara

Update Terakhir
10 / 06 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Perusahaan pengelolaan filter air yang terpercaya menghasilkan air bersih layak dikonsumsi.
Menyediakan Mesin Ro Air Laut, Mesin Ro Air Payau, Mesin Desalinasi Air Laut, Mesin Penyulingan Air Laut, Mesin Pengolah Air Laut Menjadi Air Tawar, Mesin Swromesin Ro Murah, Jual Pasir Silika Murah, Agen Pasir Silika, Distributor Pasir Silika.

Detail Pompa Air Ebara

Spesifikasi pompa ebara

Pump portion contacting liquid is made of high grade stainless steel
BPO (Back Pull Out) feature allows all rotating elements to be removed without disconnecting suction and discharge pipework.
Top centerline dicharge, foot support under casing for maximum resistance to misalignment and distortion from pipe loads.
Non-overload design to ensure stable performances for all application
Compact construction, aplicable for two-poles high speed motor provides a compact unit and minimizes installation area.
Wide range application due to 316 stainless steel material.

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